Q&A with Riot’s new Intern, Jules Barretto
20 Dec 2023 -
Jules joined Riot in September and has embedded himself into the team with his infectious enthusiasm and passion for the work that we do. A recent Film & English graduate, Jules is the first to take up Riot’s new six-month internship programme. We’ve been impressed by his brilliant social media management and people skills, and we can’t wait to see his PR career take off.
Want to get to know him a bit better? We’ve asked him to share a bit about some of his passions and the things he is most looking forward to about working at Riot.
What are you most excited about when it comes to joining Riot?
I’m really excited to be working with like-minded people who share the same passion for arts, culture and entertainment. It’s amazing to be surrounded by such a skilled and talented team, learning as much as I can from them and being able to use what they’ve taught me to support a wide range of clients in the arts.
With no limitations in place, who would be your dream client?
My dream client would be Studio Ghibli. Watching Ghibli films as a kid was what drew me into film; I even wrote my dissertation on anime and Ghibli movies. I would love to work on Miyazaki’s next film in any capacity. I still haven’t gotten around to seeing the live theatre productions of My Neighbour Totoro and Spirited Away, but I would love to help others discover these amazing worlds and characters.
What was the first book that you fell in love with?
The first book that I really fell in love with was Stephen King’s The Shining. I was thrilled reading and watching horror films that I knew I shouldn’t have been watching as a kid. I used to read Goosebumps and Darren Shan books, but I never really felt scared until I read The Shining. I became addicted to reading books that evoked that sort of visceral feeling, not necessarily just fear, but also wonder and amazement etc. I still enjoy reading King and horror books today.
What are some of your other passions?
I love lifting weights and kickboxing. I grew up watching so many action and martial arts films, but I never worked up the courage to take lessons. It was only when I got into university that I decided to join the kickboxing society and became obsessed with the sport and working out. I’m constantly trying to test the full limits of my body and push myself to go further. I haven’t been able to practise as frequently lately, so I hope I can still touch my toes.